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direct construction中文是什么意思

用"direct construction"造句"direct construction"怎么读"direct construction" in a sentence


  • 直接结构


  • No direct construction runoff is expected
  • The managing fee is paid by owner directly free of direct construction cost
  • Site monitoring and information feedback have been playing an ever - increasing role in modifying design , directing construction and ensuring safety in the process of tunnel construction
  • A technology procedure on digital construction of unbonded prestressed concrete is introduced which will direct construction and help to popularize the digital tension technology in engineering practice
  • Contractor assigns to be principal of client on the project , who must guarantee there is at least one principal who is on worksite to direct construction until completion approved during the project construction
  • For the contractor , a bid estimate submitted to the owner either for competitive bidding or negotiation consists of direct construction cost including field supervision , plus a markup to cover general overhead and profits
  • The final results obtained in this paper contained that the optimal interpolation scheme highlighted by the covariance that the correlation between different time and the correlation between different place being considered ; that the simplification of kalman filter with the singular - value decomposition ( svd ) and the direct construction of state transition matrix pfeceded with " inverse vector expression " ; and that the analysis of t / p data and its blending with theoretical model
    这些成果包括:建立考虑了时间相关的方差矩阵和时空相关的最优插值算法;对卡尔曼滤波算法进行了svd简化以及建立了显式的状态转移矩阵;将t p实时卫星数据进行调和分析并与数值模型进行同化处理。
用"direct construction"造句  


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